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Read for life is our literacy and library

program for children. 


It runs in the heart of one of Kampala’s slums with plans to expand in to other slums.

The program focus’ on teaching and developing reading and English skills in primary and high school age children (with plans to run adult classes in the near future) who live in the slums.


Statistics show that children who have a love for reading & can read well from a young age do better in every area of school. Successful educational achievement is the only way these children will escape poverty.


Many of the children either do not go to school at all, or go to overcrowded, basic schools where children very quickly fall through the gaps.


The program runs with the assistance of our 6 wonderful teachers and runs each Saturday through school term, and three days a week in the holidays.


Along with being in reading classes where they learn through fun and interaction—we also have a library where the children are able to sit and read and borrow a book to take home for the week. (The books are generously donated or bought through financial donations from people all over the world - we are currently trying to build a proper library room and expand our book range)


Simply borrowing a book is incredibly exciting for these children who do not have much. They love to learn and we love teaching them and seeing the way they are developing in their reading, behaviour and understanding of English—and their own languages and culture.


Along with teaching reading and literacy, we also feed the children when they come and encouraging them to have DREAMS for their future. 

This has been one of our biggest challenges, encouraging these precious children to believe that maybe they don't have to live in the slums forever and can get out of the cycle of poverty.  We have gone from having children who barely knew what dreaming meant - to now having classrooms full of children with dreams to become doctors, pilots, nurses, teachers and so much more. 

The program runs out of our Life Centre in the heart of Katanga slum. We have 6 classrooms with more in the works. 


We have 200 students with close to 100 on the waiting list!! 

The children are split in to a morning and afternoon session and each class is kept to no more than 20 students to ensure a better learning enviroment. 

We have students from 3 years all the way up to 18 years. 

We also have a creche that runs alongside Read for Life - we found that many siblings ( even young 5 year olds) would be in charge of their baby/toddler siblings while their mother/parents worked. Learning with a baby on your lap isn't very easy - hence the need for a creche. Its been a great success and we are enjoying having all the precious babies and toddlers to entertain and care for - they get to play with toys, and sing and read together. 

It is certainly growing and we are seeing great growth in those children who attend as are the parents and teachers! 

You can be involved by sponsoring the program, or by sponsoring a particular class - that will write you letter and send you pictures throughout the year. 

For more details contact us below. 




Call us: 

Uganda: +256 704595 613

Australia: +61 434 369 967

Postal Address

The Mbuyu Foundation

PO BOX 800 

Kampala, Uganda


Office Location

Plot 16 

Nkizi Road 


Kampala Uganda




There's lots of ways you can get involved with what we are doing here in Uganda. 

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